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Welcome to Xiaofei's Homepage

Short Bio

I received the B.Eng and M.S. from the College of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University, Chongqing, China, in 2017 and 2020 respectively. Currently, I'm pursuing the Ph.D. with School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University in Australia. I'm also running a research purposed private IPv6-only autonomous system: see in BGP tools. Accept peering requests by email (can be found at whois)


My research interest include fake news intervention, reinforcement learning, imitation learning, recommender systems, and large language models.

Selected publications:


  • Xu, Xiaofei, Ke Deng, Michael Dann, and Xiuzhen Zhang. "Harnessing Network Effect for Fake News Mitigation: Selecting Debunkers via Self-Imitation Learning." In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 38, 2024.
  • Shao, Feng, Minzhi Zeng, Xiaofei Xu, Huahao Zhang, and Zuogang Peng. "FishTEDB 2.0: an update fish transposable element (TE) database with new functions to facilitate TE research." Database 2024 (2024): baae044.


  • Xu, Xiaofei, Ke Deng, and Xiuzhen Zhang. "Identifying cost-effective debunkers for multi-stage fake news mitigation campaigns." In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, pp. 1206-1214. 2022.
  • Wang, Shoujin, Xiaofei Xu, Xiuzhen Zhang, Yan Wang, and Wenzhuo Song. "Veracity-aware and event-driven personalized news recommendation for fake news mitigation." In Proceedings of the ACM web conference 2022, pp. 3673-3684. 2022.


  • Ruan, Yingfei, Xiaofei Xu, Qiang He, Li Li, Junrui Guo, Jialing Bao, Guoqing Pan, Tian Li, and Zeyang Zhou. "The largest meta-analysis on the global prevalence of microsporidia in mammals, avian and water provides insights into the epidemic features of these ubiquitous pathogens." Parasites & Vectors 14 (2021): 1-14.


  • Xu, Xiaofei, Zhigang Cai, Jianwei Liao, and Yutaka Ishiakwa. "Frequent access pattern-based prefetching inside of solid-state drives." In 2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), pp. 720-725. IEEE, 2020.

For full publication list, please visit Google Scholar.

Education & Experience

  • 2021-now, Ph.D. in Computer Science, RMIT University
  • 2020-2020, Casual Lecturer, Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering
  • 2017-2020, M.S. in Computer Science, Southwest University
  • 2013-2017, B.Eng in Network Engineering, Southwest University


Email: xiaofei.xu2 [at] / xiaofei.xu [at]

You can find me at 14-9-4, RMIT University City Campus

Last Updated: 08/06/2024

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